We first saw Sister Mimi on the day we rescued Welli from the dump, and once we made the connection about Welli having been one of our land cats, we looked at old photos again and saw that Sister Mimi had been with us too.

We hadn’t planned to keep them both, but after Welli died we had room for one more and were determined to rescue Sister Mimi. By the time we actually got her she had a very big belly, so we decided to let her have one last litter.

As a young mother, 17 July 2017

Street Cats of Vis : Helping People Help Cats

With Welli and her siblings, 31 July 2017

Street Cats of Vis : Helping People Help Cats

At the dump, 19 March 2020

Street Cats of Vis : Helping People Help Cats

Sister Mimi lives with us now, and has five healthy kittens that we’ll be getting ready for adoption. Once they’re weaned, mom will be sterilized and hopefully live a long and happy life with us on the land, forgetting all about her three years at the dump. 

Street Cats of Vis : Helping People Help Cats

The panda crew, 16 June 2020

Street Cats of Vis : Helping People Help Cats

We call this litter the panda crew because three of them looked like panda cubs at birth, with big spots covering their tiny ears.

Sadly, three of these kittens didn’t make it to adulthood, but Tux and his sister Mini live with their mom on our land. 

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